LY2874455 mouse syringae pv phaseolicola 1448a, P. syringae pv oryzae str. 1_6 and P. syringae pv tabaci, while the prefix Rhc click here II will be used to distinguish the Rhc proteins
of the T3SS-2 gene cluster found in plasmid pNGR234b of Rhizobium sp. NGR234 (see below). The T3SS protein nomenclature when used is indicated by the prefix Sct according to Table 1. All major T3SS core proteins were found in the T3SS gene clusters mentioned above, including the T3SS ATPase protein SctN (RhcN/HrcN/YscN/FliI homolog), its negative regulator SctL (NolV/HrpE/YscL/FliH homolog), the two T3SS gate proteins SctU and SctV (RhcU/HrcU/YscU/FlhB and RhcV/HrcV/LcrD/FlhA homologs respectively), the protein building the inner ring of the T3SS basal body SctJ (RhcJ/HrcJ/YscJ homolog), the protein building the
cytoplasmic ring SctQ (RhcQ/HrcQ/YscQ/FliY homolog) and the three core membrane proteins SctR, SctS, SctT (RhcRST/HrcRST/YscRST/FliPQR homologs) (Additional file 4: Table S1). It is noteworthy that the promoter regions of the T3SS-2 ORFs/operons of P. syringae pv phaseolicola 1448a, do not appear to harbor “”hrp box”" elements like those which have been described for the T3SS-1 genes of various P. syringae strains [27]. This, coupled with the low expression level seen in minimal media (Figure 3), Mizoribine in vitro leave open the question whether T3SS-2 in this or other P. syringae strains is expressed under in planta conditions and whether it is plays a role in their phytopathogenic find more potential or in any other aspect of their life cycle. Figure 3 RT-PCR analysis for the PSPPH_2530, PSPPH_2524 and 16S gene expression in bacterial total RNA. A. RT-PCR analysis for the PSPPH_2524 expression: 1) on total RNA from P. syringae pv phaseolicola 1448a cultivated in Hrp-induction medium, 2) on total RNA from P. syringae pv phaseolicola 1448a cultivated in LB medium, 3) on total RNA from P. syringae pv tomato DC3000 cultivated in LB medium (as a negative control). B. RT-PCR analysis for the PSPPH_2530 expression:
1) on total RNA from P. syringae pv phaseolicola 1448a cultivated in Hrp-induction medium, 2) on total RNA from P. syringae pv phaseolicola 1448a cultivated in LB medium, 3) on total RNA from P. syringae pv tomato DC3000 cultivated in LB medium (as a negative control). C. RT-PCR analysis for the 16S rDNA expression (as a positive control): 1) on total RNA from P. syringae pv phaseolicola 1448a cultivated in Hrp-induction medium, 2) on total RNA from P. syringae pv phaseolicola 1448a cultivated in LB medium, 3) on total RNA from P. syringae pv tomato DC3000 cultivated in LB medium. D. Negative control PCR was performed on the total RNA isolates from 1) P. syringae pv phaseolicola 1448a cultivated in Hrp-induction medium 2) P. syringae pv phaseolicola 1448a cultivated in LB medium, 3) P.