01 or smaller is acceptable indicating invariance (Cheung and Rensvold 2002). In case measurement invariance over time was supported, the weak factorial invariance constraint was kept in the models while analysing the cross-lagged models for more parsimonious testing (Little and Card 2013). In order
to test the relations between the three constructs over time, four different cross-lagged models were analysed. The item-specific measurement errors were allowed to correlate over ATM Kinase Inhibitor ic50 time to account for the systematic method variance associated with each indicator (Bollen 1989). To take care of contemporary relations, the constructs were allowed to correlate within time points in all models. In all models, we controlled for age, sex, education and children living at home. 1. First, a stability model with only the auto-regressions of work–family conflict, emotional exhaustion and performance-based see more self-esteem was estimated (Model 1). 2. In a causal model, in addition to the auto-regressions, three paths were added between work–family conflict T1 and emotional exhaustion T2, as well as between performance-based self-esteem T1 and
emotional exhaustion T2 and work–family conflict T2 (Model 2). 3. In a reversed causal model, in addition to the auto-regressions, three paths were specified between emotional exhaustion T1 and work–family conflict T2 and performance-based self-esteem T2, and a path between work–family conflict T1 and performance-based self-esteem T2 (Model
3). 4. Finally, a reciprocal model with all paths from the previous Calpain models was specified AZD6244 order (Model 4). To investigate whether men and women differed in the pattern and magnitude of the relations between work–family conflict, emotional exhaustion and performance-based self-esteem, a multiple-group comparison between men and women was made for the best fitting model. This procedure was similar to what was done during the longitudinal CFA where different competing models were compared. In the first model, the measurement model was set invariant for men and women but with freely estimated parameters for the structural model. This was compared to a model where even the parameters of the structural model were set invariance between men and women. To evaluate model fit, the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA; Steiger 1990), the standardized root mean square residual (SRMR; Bentler 1995), the CFI (Bentler 1990) and the Akaike information criterion (AIC; Akaike 1987) were used in addition to the chi-square fit statistic. For the evaluation of the model fit, the following approximate cut-off criteria were used: for the RMSEA, values lower than .06 (Hu and Bentler 1999), for the SRMR, values smaller than .10 (Hu and Bentler 1995) and for the CFI, values close to or above .97 (Hu and Bentler 1995).