DMXAA is 18 and 20 h time More frequently than the mRNA Aurkc GM and Level II are met

AURKA mRNA is 9 and 7-times h More frequently than the mRNA Aurkb GM and met with stages II or DMXAA w While it is 18 and 20 h time More frequently than the mRNA Aurkc GM and Level II are met. Unlike many maternal mRNAs whose degradation is triggered by the initiation of oocyte maturation St, the three mRNA Aurk seem relatively stable. These data show that the expressed three in the oocyte, and their relative AURKs H Ufigkeiten are consistent with a previous report, which also found that the most abundant AURKA expressed isoform. Unlike Swain et al, however, we found that Aurkc not in amounts equal to the Aurkb expressed. The difference in these results reflect m Possibly the differences in the test.
AURKA localized meiotic spindle poles and MTOCs to the r Spatially-temporal AURKA w During evaluate oocyte maturation, we isolated GV oocytes intact on Laugh in vitro and immunocytochemistry performed the steps in meiosis. AURKA F Staining was on high spots around the core in GV stage oocytes limited GSK1059615 punctured. Many of these sites colocalized with tubulin ? in agreement with a previous report indicates that AURKA localized collaboration with MTOCs. AURKA remained point–Shaped F Staining around the spindle formation region w During the collapse of the Keimbl Between all the stains and observed AURKA together with tubulin localized ?. in metaphase I AURKA connected to p ‘S time. at anaphase I AURKA was dispersed throughout the cytoplasm, and was then on the spindle w during telophase Mittelk rperstruktur I when the first Polk formed body was observed.
By Met II AURKA was shown localized p ‘S time. To our best immunocytochemistry data Term, we microinjected one AurkaeGfp mRNA in oocytes GV intact. AURKA eGFP localization is consistent with the results observed using immunocytochemistry since the fluorescence signal was detected at the p I Met on the spindle. These data also show that the strength Signalst AURKA was observed in a p Compared to the other. Thus AURKA is asymmetrically arranged on the spindle MI, like many other proteins, the functional asymmetry result is unclear. In somatic cells, AURKA co-localized with centrosomes and p The spindle w During prophase and metaphase, where it plays an r Ripening in the centrosomes and bipolar spindle. AURKA with the spindle w During telophase connected.
Location AURKA in oocytes appears identical to the somatic cells indicates that AURKA can play an r In spindle formation and cytokinesis similar w During meiotic maturation. AURKB at kinetochores eGFP concentrates We have tried to determine the location AURKB with immunocytochemistry, but were not in a position to a specific signal, despite the use of several different antique rpern Fixation and identify conditions. Matured as an alternative, we generated EGFP Aurkb intact mRNA in GV oocytes, which were then in vitro was microinjected. W During meiosis resumption and Met-I, AURKB eGFP localized to chromosomes.

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