This is consistent, however, with a report that RNA binding proteins tend to exhibit high protein stability and trans lational efficiency, yet their transcripts Crenolanib GIST have a short half life. The authors of the report suggest that tight regulation of the levels of RNA binding proteins is re quired since a significant change in their expression may affect many targets altering global expression levels. Although the majority of BORIS associated transcripts differ between hNP1 and 6dN cells, similarities are ob served in the pathways in which the transcripts are involved in the two cell types. For example, BORIS associated transcripts in both cell types encode proteins involved in the canonical WNT pathway.WNT signalling is crucial in the regulation of a wide range of cellular processes such as apoptosis, cell proliferation, and differentiation, including that of neural stem cells.
A role for BORIS in regulating WNT signalling is sup ported by our finding that BORIS increases the activity of a TCF LEF reporter following transient over expression in HEK293T cells. As the reporter activation is dependent on B catenin, BORIS is unlikely to affect the TCF LEF reporter directly, but rather to have a post transcriptional role. BORIS associates with several transcripts coding for regulatory components of the path way and it is therefore conceivable that its over expression may affect the translation of WNT pathway components.
Indeed, BORIS over expression leads to increased TCF3 and WNT5A protein levels, whilst their respective tran script levels are decreased Although there are several possible explanations for this increase in protein levels, for example post translational modifica tions leading to greater protein stability, the fact that BORIS associates to these transcripts as well as to ac tively translating ribosomes argues for a translational effect of BORIS on these proteins. However, further studies are required to conclusively answer this question. The biological consequences of the association of BORIS with different transcripts within individual path ways in hNP1 and 6dN cells have yet to be determined. BORIS may be involved in coordinated regulation of dif ferent transcripts within certain pathways at specific time points of cell development or differentiation.
Conclusion We show that BORIS can directly interact with RNA in vitro and is associated with a subset of mRNA and translating ribosomes in neural stem cells and young neurons. Transient over expression of BORIS increases the protein levels of several BORIS associated transcripts without any concomitant increase in transcript levels GSK-3 sug gesting a role for BORIS in translational control. Methods Cell culture Human neural stem cells, hNP1, derived from the cell line WA09, were cul tured in Neurobasal medium supplemented with B27, FGF 2 10 ng ml, 1% penicillin streptomycin and 2 mM glutam ine as previously reported. Half the medium was changed every other day.