The process by which the RPE cells acquire a retinal progenitor p

The process by which the RPE cells acquire a retinal progenitor phenotype appears to be a critical one, since the process after this point resembles that of normal development. This phenomenon has been variously termed metaplasia, transdifferentiation (Okada, 1980), or dedifferentiation (since the RPE cells are reverting to a developmentally earlier state). This phenomenon involves shifting the pattern of gene expression in a highly regulated way and might be called “regulated reprogramming” to distinguish it from the NVP-BGJ398 datasheet “direct

transdifferentiation” process that occurs in support cells in mechanosensory receptor regeneration in the inner ear or lateral line. Pigmented epithelial cells reprogram to a progenitor state in birds as well; however, this phenomenon is restricted to the earliest stages of

eye development, a few days after the lineages of the retinal progenitors and the RPE progenitors have diverged (Coulombre and Coulombre, 1970). Fish also have considerable ability to regenerate sensory receptor Linsitinib solubility dmso cells and other retinal neurons from sources within the retina. When the fish retina is damaged (via surgical, neurotoxic, or genetic lesions or excessive light), there is a burst of proliferation. As noted above, the fish retina contains a precursor cell that continues to generate new rod photoreceptors throughout the lifetime of the animal. For many years it was believed that

the primary source of new retinal neurons was the rod precursor (Raymond et al., 1988). More recently, it became clear that the Müller glia were another source, if not the major source and of proliferating cells after retinal damage in the fish (Fausett and Goldman, 2006 and Wu et al., 2001), although rod precursors contribute as well, particularly when only rods are damaged. After retinal damage, the Müller glia in the fish retina undergo a dedifferentiation process (Bernardos et al., 2007, Fausett and Goldman, 2006, Qin et al., 2009, Ramachandran et al., 2010, Raymond et al., 2006 and Thummel et al., 2008), somewhat like that described for the RPE in the amphibian; they re-express many, if not all, of the genes normally expressed in retinal progenitors. Thus, in both fish and amphibians, damage in the central retina causes nonneuronal cells to change their phenotype into retinal progenitors: in amphibians, the progenitors are derived from the RPE cells, while in fish these progenitors are derived from Müller glia. However, damage to cells in the peripheral retina can be repaired by a very different mechanism in these species. In both fish and amphibians, the retina contains a specialized zone of progenitor cells at the periphery, called the ciliary marginal zone (or CMZ), which adds new neurons of all types throughout the lifetime of the animal (for review, see Lamba et al., 2008).

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