The medium and coarse fractions remaining in the dredger’s hold became poorer in 137Cs. Thus, a thin layer of fine sand with a higher 137Cs level was formed on the sea bottom surface around the pits, and during storms it was transported by near-bottom currents and deposited in the pits. The inversion of the 137Cs content in the deposits filling the dredging pits (Figure 13) most probably occurred owing to the prior accumulation of fine sands richer in 137Cs lying closest to the pits, which then became covered by material poorer in 137Cs sliding down from the slopes. Despite the changes in morphology, the pits still existed after 11 months. The sediments covering the bottom of the pits showed no
increase in the amount of mud or dead algae, which indicates that wave-induced currents can act directly on
the bottoms of such pits. This is not the kind of depression in which dead algae or other harmful substances can accumulate, as was the case selleck chemicals in the Puck Lagoon (NW Gulf of Gdańsk), where postdredging pits became Epacadostat nmr sediment traps in which organic matter accumulated and rapidly decomposed. Periodically, the chemical reduction of sulphate in the sediments caused hydrogen sulphide to occur in the Puck Lagoon pits (Graca et al. 2004). The regeneration of post-dredging pits in the studied area of open southern Baltic waters is more similar to what happens in the SW Baltic, e.g. in German coastal waters (Kubicki et al. 2007, Manso et al. 2010). However, this experiment showed that the spatial extent of changes in the type of sedimentary Immune system cover was limited to just a few dozen metres around the post-dredging pits following the settlement of the fine sandy suspension. A year after the extraction works operations, the thin layer of fine sand had dispersed, and the surface of the sea bottom was covered by deposits with grain sizes similar to the pre-extraction situation. This is the reverse of what occurs in the SW Baltic, where the effects of dredging can
also be detected in the superficial grain-size distribution. The areas affected by dredging operations (Tromper Wiek East) present a finer sediment and higher abundance of mud than non-impacted areas (Manso et al. 2010). This can be explained by differences in the composition of extracted sediments and the hydrodynamics of the areas. Sand extracted in SW Baltic coastal waters contain a more silty fraction, whereas fine fractions are almost absent in sands extracted from the southern Baltic. German coastal waters are also better protected against storms than the open waters of the southern Baltic. The bed of sand in the investigated area accumulated after the end of the middle Holocene (Littorina) transgression. The contemporary seabed dynamics in the area is at a relatively high level. The thickness of the currently mobile layer of sand, as determined by measurements of the 137Cs content, is between 0.4 and 0.8 m and depends on the grain size distribution.