These intermediates and small organic acids would be further oxidized on the surface of electrode by electrochemical combus tion, and would be completely mineralized with longer reaction time, which could be confirmed from Fig. 1. 4. Conclusions In conclusion, the electro oxidation process could efficiently degrade pretilachlor in the solution. In these experiments, under the condition of current density of 20 mA cm 2, pH of 7. 2, concen tration of electrolyte of 0. 1 mol L 1, reaction time of 60 min, and concentration of pretilachlor of 60 mg L 1, removal of pretilachlor and TOC was as high as 98. 8% and 43. 1%, respectively, and the energy consumption was only 15. 8 kWh m 3. The results showed that the degradation pathways contained hydroxylation, oxidation, dechlorination, C O bond and C N bond cleavage, resulting in the formation of nine main intermediates.
These intermediates could be completely mineralized through the increased current density and reaction time. Infrared spectroscopy is still considered to be one of the most powerful tools applied in the research of the hydrogen bond formed in molecular systems. This is SNDX-275 due to the fact that hydrogen bonding strongly in uences IR spectra of the associated molecules. The most spectacular changes concern the characteristics of the X_H bond stretching vibration bands in the tible to the diverse in uences exerted by inter and intra molecular interactions. Strong changes in the characteristics accompany the changes in the condensation state of matter.
Over the last Nilotinib 50 years the researchers have mainly focused on the X_H band properties as well as on the band fine structure patterns. Contemporary quantitative theories based on IR spec tra of hydrogen bonded systems have treated the problem of the generation of the X_H bands as a purely vibrational one. The quantitative theoretical models derived from IR spectra of the hydrogen bonded systems, subsequently developed over the last four decades, aimed to reconstitute the intensity of the distribution in the spectra of single hydrogen bonds as well as in the spectra of more complex hydrogen bond systems. At first, centrosymmetric hydrogen bond dimers were assumed. Despite the indisputable success achieved in interpreting the dimeric Y hydrogen bonds. it arrangements present in their lattices that seem to be responsible for a variation of interhydrogen bond interactions in these systems.
This should allow us to solve in the future the problem of the relation between the crystal X ray structure and the spectral properties of the hydrogen bonds in IR in the frequency Protease range of the X_H bands. However, the solid state itself is responsible for the introduction of some unique spectral efects connected with intermolecular interactions in the lattice. Mea surements of the IR spectra of spatially oriented hydrogen bonded molecular crystals with the help of polarized radiation enables a deeper insight into the nature of intra as well as the inter hydrogen bond interactions in the lattices. Up to the 1990s Quantitative interpretation of IR spectra of the hydrogen bond in molecular crystals poses a great challenge for the theoretical models regarding the description of crystal spectral properties.
Over the last four decades this field has developed due to the so called strong coupling theory. During this time numerous spectacular Ion Channel successes were achieved in the interpretation of IR spectra of crystals trials of the quantitative interpretation of IR spectra of a selected group of hydrogen bonded crystals, with cyclic hydrogen bond dimers as the lattice structural units, were undertaken in terms of the novel relaxation theory. such studies were extremely rare in literature. characterized by diverse space symmetry groups. Also several seems that a number of serious theoretical problems still remain unsolved. Currently, particular attention is paid to IR spectra of mole cular crystals due to the rich diversity of hydrogen bond.
It appeared that the basic problem in performing a successful quantitative interpretation of the IR spectra of the hydrogen bond in a molecular crystal is not HSP simply connected with the choice of the proper theoretical model. Our systematic studies of polarized crystalline IR spectra have proved that some yet unidentified inter and intra hydrogen bond interaction mecha nisms strongly afect the IR spectra of associated molecular systems. These mechanisms contribute to the spectra generation of even such simple hydrogen bond aggregates like dimers and of molecular crystals. Investigation of IR spectra of isotopically diluted crystals allowed us to reveal the so called H/D isotopic self organization efects, connected with a nonrandom distri bution of protons and deuterons in the hydrogen bond lattices. This peculiar H/D isotopic recognition mechanism was ascribed to dynamical co operative interactions, which are common in hydrogen bond systems.