Ng, in line with the study by TH-302 Kaunitz et al. This analysis was limited to subjects with HMB. MBL was originally designed as the average MBL w During three cycles of 28 days with the approach phase, the end of the study was defined as the MBL measured for 7 of treatment with the last observation carried forward for missing data is defined. The difference between treatment groups in the proportion of patients with therapy success was χ by Pearson 2 test. The absolute change Ver Of MBL has been fundamental to the Wilcoxon test. A significance level of.05 was used two perspectives. Third Results A total of 220 women with HMB were randomized to E2V/DNG and 135 were randomized to placebo, including normal ITT population for this pooled analysis. This analysis was based on a comparison of MBL w During the race to the period of 28 days with 3 × assessment of blood loss w Based during the seven treatment cycles. Demographic and baseline characteristics for the ITT population were similar between the two treatment groups. The mean reduction in MBL in Figure 1 The bleeding w Observed during the first treatment cycle essentially represents the blood that would otherwise have occurred without treatment w Re. Lasted for a withdrawal bleed usually two nominally treatment cycles of 28 days trapped MBL w While one is seven cycles of treatment the last part of the continued withdrawal bleeding, which w During a previous cycle began additionally USEFUL breakthrough bleeding on the top of the n Chsten withdrawal bleeding. Therefore, MBL was observed at the beginning of the treatment cycle 2, the first withdrawal bleeding after initiation of treatment is E2V/DNG. However, a sharp decline in MBL with respect to the start of treatment withdrawal E2V/DNG bleedafter was first performed, with further reductions in ongoing blood loss with no loss of effect on successive processing cycles. Table 3 lists the parameters of the MBL for the two treatment groups selected Hlten times and at the endpoint. Fig. 2 summarizes the data on the proportion of women successfully complete treatment, less than 80 ml MBL MBL and reduced by 50% compared to baseline for each treatment cycle. at the end of the study, a statistically significant and clinically meaningful number of women successfully treated with E2V/DNG compared to placebo with a corresponding difference of 51.8%. The differences in the proportion of women with MBL less than 80 ml or 50% reduction in the MBL at the end of the study were 52.6% and amounted 53.0%. 4th Discussion This post-hoc analysis shows that pooled E2V/DNG very effective for the treatment of HMB and is associated with a high rate of treatment success. E2V/DNG benefits of treatment were evident by the early withdrawal bleeding after initiation of treatment and sustained other minor improvements over the course of treatment. A placebo response was much smaller, obviously. A slight reduction in MBL with placebo treatment was reported. A cross-sectional view of comparative study, the proportion of women who need treatment are successful at the end of the study with E2V/DNG in our study indicates that it will receive less than the SIU more than six cycles of LNG, but much h Higher than with medroxyproges receive oral.