S.) (Ogden et al., 2012). Public health authorities are beginning to look for cost-effective ways to reduce this epidemic. Increased physical activity is a candidate strategy because of its numerous health benefits, including the potential to attenuate cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk ( Kahn et al., 2002, Norman et al., 2006 and Task Force on Community Preventive Services (USTFCPS), 2001).
Research has shown that there is a positive association between proximity to parks/recreational facilities and increased physical activity levels ( Roemmich et al., 2006 and Sallis et al., 2011). Programming MLN8237 ic50 and group activities, for example, have been found to be related to increased usage of school facilities and improved levels of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity ( Lafleur et al., 2013). Having convenient, reliable access to www.selleckchem.com/products/AZD6244.html open space/recreational areas or programing that encourages physical activity, however, can be challenging, especially for under-resourced communities ( Marie, 2007, Powell et al., 2006 and Spengler et al., 2007). Shared-use agreements (SUAs) where school property (i.e., the grounds, facilities, or both) and programming are shared between schools and
community-based entities represent a strategy to address this public health problem. A shared-use agreement outlines an agreement between two or more parties that details and enumerates each party’s responsibilities in the partnership. Shared-use encompasses a diverse array of agreement types, including joint-use agreements (JUA) and Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs). These contractual documents may be legally binding or non-binding; but whether or not they are legally binding does not diminish their potential benefits. A formal agreement adds value to each partnership by laying out the expectations of the entering parties, reducing the odds that the relationship would dissolve prematurely. School grounds offer clean, protected, and often underutilized space that community members can use for physical activity
(Maddock et al., 2008). Communities that seek to promote physical activity and improve access to recreational space can partner with school districts. Non-profit organizations are also important Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II partners as they often receive outside funding to provide programming (Lafleur et al., 2013). SUAs offer the opportunity for both parties to clarify their intent and roles in the partnership, as well as to identify their individual interests. Even when state laws generally provide schools strong protection against liability for injuries to recreational users of school properties (California Tort Claims Act, 2012), the perceived threat of tort liability remains an important deterrent to schools’ decisions to participate (Spengler et al., 2007 and Zimmerman et al., 2013).