Other patterns of PMG have been described including unilateral periselleck kinase inhibitor Sylvian PMG,125 bilateral frontal PMG,126 bilateral frontoparietal PMG,127 bilateral parasagittal parietooccipital PMG,128 bilateral parietooccipital PMG,129 multilobar PMG,130 and bilateral generalized PMG.131 The clinical features of these rarer forms of PMG vary from those seen in BPP, although epilepsy and some degree of developmental delay are common accompaniments.
The frequency of epilepsy in PMG is 60% to 85 %,121,122,132 aithough seizure onset may not occur until the second decade, however usually between the ages of 4 and 12.133 Seizure types Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical include atypical absence (62%), atonic and tonic drop attacks (73%), generalized tonic-clonic (35%) and partial (26%). 133 It is rare for the partial seizures to secondarily generalize. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Occasionally patients develop bilateral facial motor seizures with retained awareness. A small number of patients may present, with infantile spasms122,133,134 in contrast to patients with LIS, TSC, or FCD, in which the frequency of spasms is higher. Electroencephalography (EEG) typically shows generalized spike and wave or multifocal discharges with a centroparietal emphasis.133 Seizures Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical may be daily and intractable in at least 50% of patients.133 Using CT and low field
strength MRI, PMG is difficult to discern and may only appear as thickened cortex.135-138 The only role for CT in the evaluation of PMG is to assess for evidence of calcification which is seen in PMG resulting from congenital CMV infection. Using high-quality 1.5T MRI with appropriate age-specific protocols, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical it is now possible to reliably differentiate PMG from other MCDs.139 Polymicrogyric cortex often appears mildly thickened (6 to 10 mm) on imaging due to cortical overfolding rather than true cortical thickening. With better imaging (such as inversion recovery)
using thin contiguous slices, microgyri and microsulci may be appreciated as shown in figure 8 T2 signal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical within the cortex is usually normal, although there may be delayed myelination or high T2 signal in the underlying white matter.140 Diffusely abnormal white matter signal should raise the question of an in utero infection (such as cytomegalovirus [CMV]) or a peroxisomal disorder.141-143 There may be an expansion of the subarachnoid space over PMG, and this Megestrol Acetate may contain excessive or anomalous venous drainage, especially in the Sylvian fissures.140 Other developmental anomalies may also be seen including ventricular enlargement or dysmorphism and abnormalities of the corpus callosum and cerebellum, although the patterns and prevalence of these associated brain malformations are poorly documented. Few topics in the field of MCDs have generated as much discussion as the etiology and pathogenesis of PMG. Initial theories of PMG suggested that it was the result of a vascular defect such as arterial ischemia.