Noldus EthoVision video tracking system was used to record and analyze the data. Rats were trained to locate the es cape tunnel in two successive daily sessions for 5 days with a 1 h intersession interval from different Tofacitinib alopecia counterbalanced starting positions. Statistical analysis Data are expressed as means s. e. m. and assessed Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries by one way ANOVA followed by either the Tukey Kramer test for multiple comparisons between groups or the Dunnetts test for comparisons of multiple groups against a control group with Statview 5. 0. 1 software. Behavioral data were compared using two way repeated measure ANOVA followed by post hoc pairwise comparisons using the Bonferroni test when appropriate. Values of P 0. 05 were considered as significant.
Results A S hypoglycemia induces cortical and hippocampal neuronal death in diabetic rats Before initiating the R M hypoglycemia Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries experiments, diabetic rats were subjected to A S hypoglycemia to test whether STZ injected diabetic rats also have similar pat terns of neuronal injury as seen in previous studies using non diabetic rats. We found that, in the cere bral cortex, A S hypoglycemia produced about twice as much neuron death in diabetic rats as in non diabetic rats, compared to other historical controls and our previous study. However, in the hippocam pus, diabetic and non diabetic rats showed a similar de gree of neuronal death after A S hypoglycemia. This result is very similar to that reported by Bree et al. R M hypoglycemia produces infrequent, sparse neuronal death in the cerebral cortex Neuronal death was evaluated in the cerebral cortex of STZ induced diabetic rats after R M hypoglycemia.
Neuronal injury evaluated by FJB staining at 7 days after R M hypoglycemia showed Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries infre quent, sparse neuronal death in the parietal region of cerebral cortex. Only three out of five diabetic rats exhibited FJB cells in the cerebral cortex. R M hypoglycemia does Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries not produce neuronal death in the hippocampus Neuronal injury evaluated by H E or FJB staining at 7 days after A S hypoglycemia showed widespread neuronal death in the hippocampus of type 1 diabetes mellitus model rats. However, R M hypoglycemia produced no hippocampal neuronal death in the diabetic rats. A single episode of moderate hypoglycemia does not induce oxidative injury in hippocampal CA1 dendrites To test whether a single episode of moderate hypoglycemia induces oxidative injury at or proximal to hippocampal dendrites, rat hippocampus was evaluated at 24 h after a single episode of moderate hypoglycemia. Here we found only low levels of 4HNE fluorescent signal in SR Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries area of hippocampus more information after a single episode of moderate hypoglycemia in either the non diabetic or the diabetic rats.