of tephrectomy. Five of the first group and three of the second developed arthritis within 33 days. There was, however, a high incidence of endemic infection in the colony and only thirteen animals KU-0063794 survived to the end of the experiment. It is not possible to be certain that the lesions reported were similar to those of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis and the Infiuence of Cold in Adrenalectomized Rats. Considered by Chamorro. Action of Pregneninolone in Adrenalectomized Rats. During work on pregneninolone, Chamorro observed the spontaneous development of arthritis in both treated and control groups among a series subjected to adrenalectomy. Because of the need for adrenalectomy he could not reconcile his findings with those of Selye. The number of animals studied was small.
Action of Adrenal Cortical and Anterior Pituitary Extracts in Castrated Thyroidectomized Rats. Soto and Nava were able to find articular swellings in eighteen of nineteen animals to which anterior pituitary and adrenal cortical extracts had been given following castration and thyroidectomy. Action of Stilboestrol Alone or with Cortisone. Coutu Adriamycin studied four groups of adrenalectomized rats. To one group stilboestrol, to another cortisone, and to another both hormones were given. The extent of the arthritis was assessed by measuring limb diameters with calipers. Diethyl stilboestrol was found, on this reckoning, to potentiate the effect of cortisone in inhibiting such a form of arthritis. Hormonal Response to Parabiosis. In the course of a study of the hypertensive hyalinosis syndrome , Hall and Hall noticed that many of the rats given salt to drink developed swollen joints.
The swellings flitted unpredictably from joint to joint, small nodular lesions were found. In long standing cases, cartilaginous erosion was added to synovial oedema and hydrarthrosis. To account for this response the currently acceptable theory of mineralocorticoid hyperfunction was advanced. This theory has not been substantiated. Incidental infection was not considered as a possible cause. Action of Anterior Pituitary Hormones. Selye produced an experimental arthritis resembling rheumatoid arthritis by the injection of freeze dried material from anterior pituitaries. Reinhardt and Li compared twenty control animals with eighteen others from which the ovaries and adrenals had been removed and to which freeze dried pituitary extract had been given.
Radiographs made after 6 months, treatment revealed joint erosions, localized osteoporosis, marginal tipping, and calcification. No histological evidence was adduced in this otherwise important paper, the authors conceded that sensitization to growth hormone had not been excluded as a cause of the arthritis. Nor was endemic infection considered. Franz quoted the work of Bassi and Bassi in a study of acromegalic arthropathy, and Jasmin and Bois made similar claims for prolactin. Their illustrations show normal rat tissues. Action of Somatotropic and Thyrotropic Hormones in Thyroidectomized Rats. Salgado showed that two of a group of animals given somatotropic hormone after thyroidectomy developed arthritis. By contrast no animals in a similar group given thyrotropic hormone developed such changes. Effects of Radiothyroidectomy in Mice. Silberberg and Silberberg sh