In addition, Alex engaged other colleagues, such as Dennis Matthews (electrochemist), Raj Huilgol (applied mathematician), Malcolm Thompson (organic chemist) and Mark Panizza (a maths and physics graduate). The decade prior to his official retirement
was considered by Alex as a ‘golden period’ of his research. Within this ‘golden period’, Alex collaborated with Jan Anderson and myself on the quantification of the supramolecular YH25448 molecular weight complexes in thylakoids. As part of this investigation, we applied the method of single-turnover flashes (given to Chlorella, Emerson and Arnold 1932) to leaf segments placed in a gas-phase oxygen electrode, and managed to quantify the PS II content in leaf tissue (Chow et al. 1989, 1991), obtaining a value comparable to the corresponding number of DCMU-binding sites in isolated thylakoids; the similarity between the in vivo and in vitro values was confirmed in a number of plant click here species. Subsequently, this in vivo assay of PS II content was used in research that led to numerous papers. Alex was in favour of both a reductionist and integrative approach in his research. He was most interested in monitoring photosynthetic electron transfers in intact leaf tissue, a goal which he set for his retirement. Alex retired officially from Flinders University at the end of 1993. It was 1 day before the new law about
Age Discrimination MK-4827 in vivo came into force, allowing slightly younger colleagues to continue working beyond the age of 65. Alex would have welcomed the opportunity of continuing to work part-time, but it was not to be. After retirement
and until late 2006, he made numerous month-long, usually twice-yearly, these visits to Canberra to do research and to play tennis with old friends. At the Australian National University (ANU), he worked with Ron Pace in the Chemistry Department, assisted by the ever-willing Paul Smith. Together, they made industrious observations of the EPR signals from cyt bf complex extracted from pea chloroplasts. It was with me that Alex spent the most time during his post-retirement research visits. In 1996, despite the achievements and expertise of Jan Anderson’s lab in CSIRO, it was shut down in anticipation of her impending official retirement. Jan relocated as an Adjunct Professor to the main ANU campus, while I moved to the Weston Campus 11 km away, in a building which Barry Osmond, then Director of the Research School of Biological Sciences, had convinced the ANU to acquire at a modest price. I set up a lab at Weston with redundant equipment from CSIRO. Alex, particularly keen on the spacious labs and offices and the tranquillity at Weston, also brought some of his equipment from Adelaide. He even purchased a house, part of which he could use during his visits to Canberra.