However, as can be seen in Figure 4, the GNS-1480 nmr fluorescence magnitude collected from point A, located at the cobalt sample surface, is obviously different from that collected from in-depth point B. This is due to the absorption of the primary beam before reaching point B and to strong fluorescence reabsorption in the path through
the sample. Thus, in order to compare the theoretical and experimental values of Φ a, we must consider this discrepancy. Taking into account the actual value of the primary beam flux F max/e at r spot from the spot centre (see Figure 4), the PKC412 mouse fluorescence maximum flux F (B) escaping from the sample emitted at a depth of xCo-Kα/Co = 18 μm (point B)? should be given by: (3) where d is the path length of the primary beam in Co till a depth of xCo-Kα/Co and τ is the total fluorescence yield of Cobalt. With the value of τ = 33% taken from [19] the Selleckchem AZD8931 value of F(B) is expected to be about 0.02 F max. From this, we arbitrary choose the significant fluorescence flux above 0.02 F max to define the capillary travel Φ a along which fluorescence was detected from the sample surface. Point A’ must thus be chosen instead of point A, to fit with this condition:
(4) Figure 3 Fluorescence zone profile. The cobalt sample is placed in the focal plane of the polycapillary lens used to focus the rhodium source beam. The capillary inner radius is 5, 10, 25 or 50 μm. Figure 4 Sample excited volume geometry. Consequently, point A’ in Figure 4 is positioned at a distance r A’ = 1.7 r spot from the beam centre. To compare the expected and measured values of Φ a, we have thus replaced 2 r spot in Equation 1 by distance A’B = 1.7 r spot + r spot. With these considerations, Φ a values of 258, 208, 178 and 168 μm are expected for a capillary radius of 50, 25, 10 and 5 μm,
respectively. These values are in good agreement with the experimental values of Φ a = 240, 205, 172 and 168 μm. We have then reported in Figure 5 the variations of the maximum flux collected at the centre of the fluorescent Bay 11-7085 zone as a function of capillary radius for a constant WD of 1 mm. The maximum collected flux increases as rcap 1.8. This variation has to be compared to the ideal case of fluorescence collection from a point source using a thin capillary of length L placed at a working distance WD from the emitter. Figure 6 clearly shows that the collected signal level should remain constant if the capillary radius is reduced, providing the WD is reduced by the same factor by increasing the capillary length and assuming an ideal transmission coefficient of 100%. Obviously, the capillary only collects a part of fluorescence, nearly proportional to its section.