Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 9 present the results for each group of pigments. The problem of the adaptation of phytoplankton cells to light conditions in the Baltic Sea is more complex than in Case this website 1 (ocean) waters. The relative errors of the approximated concentrations of different pigment groups are larger than for ocean waters. The only exception is chlorophyll c, for which the logarithmic statistical
error was about 8.8% lower (σ– = 34.6% for Baltic waters and 38.2% for ocean waters). Analysis of the approximated concentrations of other PSP groups, i.e. chlorophyll b and PSC, as a function of spectral fitting showed that the relative estimation errors were more than twice as large for the Baltic data than for BAY 73-4506 the ocean data. This may have been due to the different distributions of the relative spectral irradiances at different depths in Case 1 and Case 2 waters. In the deeper regions of oligotrophic waters (such as ocean waters), light comes mainly from the blue-green part of the spectrum, whereas in eutrophic waters (such as Baltic waters), there is much less of this light. The chromatic acclimation factor gives a relatively good estimate of the concentrations of the major groups of PSP in
ocean waters. But the large estimation errors in Baltic waters may be due to the phycobilin concentration modifying the light field spectrum in the Baltic, which is not taken into account in the analysis. Analysis of the errors resulting from the approximations of the PPC content, depending on the energy characteristics of the underwater irradiance in the short-range part of PAR ( eq. (7)), showed that the relative errors are ID-8 1.3 times
higher for Baltic waters than for ocean waters. The logarithmic statistical errors are σ– = 38.4% for Baltic waters and 32.0% for ocean waters. In summary, the problem of the adaptation and acclimation of phytoplankton cells to the irradiance conditions in Case 2 waters, such as those of the Baltic Sea, appears to be more complex than in Case 1 (ocean) waters. Only in the case of certain pigments does the verification of the approximations of their concentrations or the environmentally dependent concentrations of pigment groups give lower estimation errors than those resulting from the approximations found for oceanic waters. This is the situation we are faced with when estimating the total content of chlorophylls c and PPC with respect to the optical depth and the total content of chlorophylls c with respect to chromatic adaptation factors. The spectral fitting function, i.e. the chromatic adaptation factor, approximates the content of the major groups of photosynthetic pigments in ocean waters fairly well.