Figure 3 Salient features of the ALN predicted amino acid sequenc

Figure 3 Salient features of the ALN predicted amino acid sequence. (a) ALN sequence with predicted signal sequence (underlined),

putative PEST motif (inverse), undecapeptide (bold), and cholesterol-interacting TL motif (double underlined). (b) Undecapeptide sequences of ALN, other CDC undecapeptides known to differ from consensus, and the consensus CDC undecapeptide. The cysteine conserved in thiol-activated CDCs (but absent from ALN) is underlined in the consensus sequence. Differences from consensus depicted as inverse letters. Abbreviations as in Figure 2. Cloning and expression of His-ALN SDS-PAGE and Coomassie Brilliant

Blue staining of IPTG-induced cultures of pBJ51-containing E. coli indicated the presence of an over-expressed ML323 price protein of ~64 kDa (Figure buy Quisinostat 4a). His-ALN was purified to > 95% homogeneity using TALON resin (Figure 4a), and the size of this protein (~64 kDa) corresponded to its predicted molecular mass. Antiserum against this website ALN, but not pre-immune antiserum, reacted specifically with His-ALN and some possible HIS-ALN degradation products (Figure 4b and 4c). Figure 4 Overexpression and purification of His-ALN. Whole-cell lysates of IPTG-induced cultures of DH5αMCR(pTrcHis B) (lane 1) and DH5αMCR (pBJ51) (lane 2) and 500 ng purified His-ALN (lane 3) were subjected to SDS-PAGE. Separated Lepirudin proteins were stained with Coomassie brilliant blue (a) or were transferred to nitrocellulose by Western blotting and immunostained with 1/5000 rabbit pre-immune serum (b) or rabbit anti-His-ALN

(c). The position of the ~64 kDa His-ALN band is indicated by the arrow. Molecular mass markers (kDa) are indicated on the left. Recombinant ALN has cytotoxic activity A. haemolyticum is not strongly hemolytic when grown on ovine (sheep) blood agar [10]. Likewise, the E. coli strain expressing His-ALN did not display hemolysis when grown on bovine blood agar (data not shown). Similarly, His-ALN displays low hemolysis with bovine or ovine erythrocytes (Figure 5a). In contrast, His-ALN had ~4- and 10-fold increased hemolytic activity on rabbit and human erythrocytes, respectively (Figure 5a). This is in contrast to PFO or PLO, which show little difference in specific activity on erythrocytes from different hosts. Consistent with these findings, hemolysis assays demonstrated that ALN has a preference for horse or human cells over porcine cells but lyses all of these at high toxin concentrations (Figure 5b).

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