Figure 2 SEM images of the AgMSs obtained from a typical experime

Figure 2 SEM images of the AgMSs obtained from a typical experiment. (a) Low-magnification SEM image of AgMSs, (b) high-magnification SEM image of an individual AgMS, (c) SEM image of an individual AgMS after cut by vibratome, and (d) XRD pattern of AgMSs. Figure 3 Histogram showing the size distribution of Ag microspheres. Gaussian curve is represented by a red line. Figure 4 TEM image and SAED pattern of Ag microspheres. TEM image of Ag microspheres (a) and the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern of the sample (b). Gold nanoparticles were synthesized according to our previous

report [29]. TEM image of GNPs is shown in Figure 5, indicating that the GNPs are spherical and monodisperse with an average diameter of Pexidartinib 15 nm. Based on the interaction

between the carboxyl groups and silver atoms, the GNPs were successfully assembled on the surface of AgMSs [30]. Figure 6a,b,c,d clearly reveals that GNPs are homogeneously distributed on the surface of AgMSs. FK228 As can be seen, there are no changes in the shape and size of GNPs and AgMSs after self-assembly. With the increase of GNP concentration, the number of GNPs on the surface of AgMSs is also increased. When the molar ratio of AgMSs/GNPs is 100:20, the surface of AgMSs is completely coated by GNPs (Figure 6b). Figure 5 TEM image of gold nanoparticles dispersed in water. Figure 6 SEM images of the assemblies prepared at molar ratios of AgMSs to GNPs. (a,b) 100:20, (c) 100:2, and (d) 100:1. To further testify the self-assembly between GNPs and AgMSs, the assemblies were also detected by a UV–vis spectrophotometer. As shown in Figure 7a, there is a strong absorption band in 350 to 600 nm for AgMSs. The broad half-peak width indicates that the size of AgMSs is bigger than nanoscale, which agrees with SEM and TEM observations. The absorption spectrum of GNPs displays a characteristic surface plasmon resonance band at approximately 520 nm. Figure 7b shows the UV–vis Idoxuridine spectra of the assemblies prepared at different AgMSs/GNPs molar ratios. With the increase

of GNP concentration, the intensity of the characteristic band at approximately 520 nm in the assemblies is also gradually increased. This is attributed to the increase of GNPs on the surface of AgMSs. The assemblies are negatively charged and display a GNP concentration-dependent increase of negative charges on the surface (Figure 8). The above facts suggest that the GNPs were successfully assembled on the surface of AgMSs. Figure 7 Assemblies of AgMSs and GNPs detected by a UV–vis spectrophotometer. (a) UV–vis spectra of AgMSs and GNPs; (b) UV–vis spectra of the assemblies prepared at different molar ratios of AgMSs to GNPs. Figure 8 Zeta potential of the assemblies prepared at different molar ratios of Ag microspheres to gold nanoparticles.

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