During a 1-week period at baseline and the 6-week intervention period (overall 49 days), participants were asked to keep a daily sleep log (the Abend-Morgen-Protokoll).20 and 21
The sleep log provided an additional source of sleep data with day-to-day variability as well as progress and outcome control. It also enlists participants in taking an active role in treatment. All participants were required to fill in the sleep log with five questions upon awakening in the morning:21 Recuperation of sleep (ROS; from 1 = very www.selleckchem.com/products/ve-822.html to 5 = not at all), sleep onset latency (SOL; in minutes), number of awakenings after sleep onset (WASO-N, times per night), wake time after sleep onset time (WASO-T; in minutes) and total sleep time (TST; in minutes). The instructor collected the sleep logs weekly to avoid missing data and to increase compliance within the participants. A German version of the Baecke Questionnaire of Habitual Physical Activity22 was used to assess the PA status of the participants at C646 chemical structure baseline.23 The questionnaire includes 14 questions comprehending three dimensions relating to the previous 12 months: PA at work (7 items), sport during leisure time (4 items), and PA during leisure time excluding sport (3 items). Questions in each dimension are scored
on a 5-point Likert scale (from 1 = never to 5 = always or very often). Each factor could receive a score from 1 to 5 points. For the two most frequently reported sports activities, specific questions regarding the number of months per year and hours per week of participation were addressed. Activities were subdivided into three intensity
categories with the help of Ainsworth’s compendium of PAs.24 The sum of the three dimensions gives an indicator of the habitual PA status. A total score from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 15 was obtained. Besides the sleep log, participants Methisazone were asked to maintain an exercise log to describe any daily PA that they may have engaged in 1-week before intervention (baseline) and during the 6-week intervention period (49 days). The exercise log required specifications about frequency of PA (PA-F; times/week), duration of PA (PA-D; in minutes), and intensity of PA (PA-I; assessed by Borg Scale from 6 to 20). The instructor collected the exercise logs weekly to avoid missing data and to increase compliance within the participants. In addition to the exercise log, participants were asked to wear a digital pedometer (OMRON Walking style Pro HJ-720IT, OMRON Medizintechnik Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Mannheim, Germany) on the body (according to the manufacturer’s instructions) during waking hours except being in water. The pedometer estimates the number of steps taken based on acceleration signals (dual-axis). The validity of the pedometer in counting walking steps is ±5%.