Lower brain stem was removed Doripenem 112809-51-5 and postfixed in the same fixative for 1 hour at room temperature and then cryopreserved at 4 ° C in a 30% sucrose and 0.1% of an L Solution of sodium azide and allowed to rest until saturation. Serial coronal sections of the cervical spinal cord at the rostral medulla were cut and collected in a floating state. 2.2.2. D2 receptors for the characterization of dopamine receptors were STC with rpern Antique Which specifically reacted for D2 receptors. We w Hlten Antique Body, which were already detected by Western blot analysis to identify specifically, the target proteins. The reactions were then by indirect immunofluorescence. After 1 hour incubation at room temperature in a Blockierungsl Solution phosphate-buffered saline Solution, 5% normal goat serum and 0.5% Triton X-100 were, the sections overnight in an L Solution incubated prime Ren Antique Body, carried out for the D2 receptors in a PBS-L solution with 2% NGS. This was followed by three washes in PBS and secondary for 2 hours at room temperature in buy Bendamustine biotinylated Ren Antique Body in PBS / NGS L Solution. More nts Waschg, The sections were for 2 hours at room temperature in fluorescein isothiocyanate in PBS / NGS L Solution, which avidinylated followed by washings and the last 2 hours of incubation with fluorescein avidin-conjugated antibody Body, in the Anti incubated PBS / NGS L solution for further reinforcing rkung the fluorescence signal. 2.2.3. 5 receiver singer HT1B/1D after dopamine receptor-F Staining, the sections were then incubated with specific antibody Rpern reacted to 5 HT1B or 5 HT1D receptors. After 1 hour incubation at room temperature in a solution Blockierungsl PBS, 5% normal donkey serum and 0.5% Tween 20, the sections were incubated overnight in a solution L of primary antibody rem body which specifically incubated for 5 or 5 – HT 1B receptors HT1D in PBS composed. This was followed by three washes in PBS and washed for 2 hours at room temperature in Alexa Fluor 568-conjugated secondary Ren Antique Body in PBS. The sections were then Objekttr Like and Fluoreszenzf Staining was assembled using a Zeiss Axioplan Universal microscope. 3.1.4. Effect of intravenous Sen quinpirole on the impact of relief on A11 L Sion of neuronal discharge in CTC Following administration of quinpirole evoked 15 min after L Sion of the nucleus A11, dural-evoked firing in TCC rose from her is important to significantly inhibit, reduce to 24 5% below baseline prelesion firing up to 40 minutes. When at ease L Compared sion burning, based on the dura mater shooting in ITC decreased significantly 33-5% in 20 to 40 minutes time points. Beautiful facilitate dliche contusion firing rates must also clearly significantly inhibited, as seen with a reduction in the basis of prelesion 18 3% of basic cooking least 20 to 40 minutes, which Voriconazole was also defined as a decrease 29-3% of the light L Compared sion burning. Harmless burning of brush evoked much easier return to baseline prelesion increased, which was a significant decrease in cell firing 24 3% compared to the level of lightness L recession Burning. If data for naratriptan groups compared with quinpirole and five time points of 15 minutes as a reference, there was no significant difference between groups for dura evoked neuronal.