Besides, no differences in growing compared with cells without mAbs were observed. Since it was observed that recombinant Berzosertib in vivo α-1 giardin was able to bind to the apical surface of epithelial cells, mast cells, and the connective tissue of the human small intestine [19], it is possible that these proteins might buy 10058-F4 contribute to the stabilization of the interaction between the trophozoite and epithelial cells during Giardia infection. On the other hand, during excystation, a functional adhesive disc is absent in the excyzoite, and α-1 giardin localizes to the extracellular membrane of the cell [19]. Therefore, it has been suggested that early
during Giardia infection, at the period of time where the excyzoite needs to attach in order to avoid peristalsis, α-1giardin probably plays a key role [47]. Adhesion assays using the anti α-1 giardin mAb during excystment should be able to clarify the role played by α-1giardin during trophozoite attachment. Table 2 Effect of mAb treatment on in vitro attachment and aggregation of WB Giardia trophozoites Trophozoite adhesion* Trophozoite aggregation 0 hours 2 hours
4 hours 0 hours 2 hours 4 hours Without mAb 20 ± 2 19 ± 2 20 ± 2 – - – Anti-HA-mAb 20 ± 2 19 ± 2 22 ± 2 – - – Anti-VSP-mAb 21 ± 2 15 ± 2 11 ± 2 – ++ ++++ G3G10-mAb 19 ± 2 20 ± 2 18 ± 2 – - – *values are an average of 10 random vertical scans of well surface. Urease The dash (-) indicates no effects. (+) indicates between 4-6 clusters of grouped cells. (++) see more indicates between 8-10 clusters of grouped cells. (+++) indicates between 15-18 clusters of grouped cells. (++++) indicates more than 20 clusters of grouped cells. Assays were performed in triplicate and scored by persons unaware of the contents of the wells. In order to extend the analysis to other Giardia strains, we studied the localization of α-1 giardin in WB clone C6, WB clone A6, Portland-1 (Assemblage A) and in P15 trophozoites (Assemblage E). Similar to WB1267 and GSH7, high expression of α-1 giardin
near the plasma membrane was observed for these clones. Also, in WB clone C6 and in P15 trophozoites, the bare zone was also stained (Figure 4B). The use of α-1 giardin as an immunizing antigen for the development of a Giardia vaccine has been suggested because of its surface localization and its presence during natural Giardia infections. However, the fact that both WB and GS trophozoites were unaffected after anti α-1 giardin mAb treatment argues against the use of this protein as a vaccine candidate. Nevertheless, the expression of this protein in assemblage A (WB and Portland-1 strains), in Assemblage B (GS strain) and in Assemblage E (P15 strain), and its immunodominance in sera and feces, strengthen its importance for the development of drug targets or new diagnostic kits for Giardiasis.