Additional similar research was reported [4], which hypothesized

Additional similar research was reported [4], which hypothesized often Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries that additional propagation modes were a likely cause of perceived errors in their higher frequency measurements from their expected theoretical responses.Another similar research path [7], utilized an impedance calculation of a transmission line terminated with an open ended coaxial soil-filled cell, which was derived along an alternative formulation linking measured reflection spectral response to the permittivity parameters, thereby providing a separate path to the correction of the measured spectrum to that of a free space plane wave propagation. This formulation has become popular of late and has been used with slight modifications by several Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries researchers [8�C11].

In comparing the two approaches taken Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries by Clarkson and Kraft [2,7], of note is that they Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries both used as their basis a transmission line terminated in a simple coaxial soil-filled cell. However, neither of the above mentioned formulations provide a means of correction for the other system components, i.e., cable, cable length, connectors, multiplexors and instrument effects such as instrument to cable impedance Drug_discovery miss-match, non-ideal pulse, time varying pulse ect. One example of the fundamental need for such corrections are provided in reports of the effects of exterior equipment such as variations in coaxial cable lengths, transient suppressors ect., ([4,12,13], on the obtained measurements). Further evidence is provided by Jones and Or [1] and Freil and Or [5], by their encouragement to utilize permittivity standards by which to judge obtained measurements against known standards.

In moving toward utilization of permittivity standards, of critical need are calibration methods that Deltarasin? couple models such as Clarkson [2] and Kraft [7] to high quality calibration methods such as are utilized in the microwave engineering field for use in Network Analyzer measurements [7,16,17]. In moving forward towards resolving these issues, this research examines the terminated coaxial cell from a theoretical basis to provide a sound background by which to examine an observed experimental error which is hypothesized to be due fringe capacitance. Of particular importance, we will show that the magnitude of this error is such that for measurements of low permittivities, such as for moisture measurements in loose cotton, for measurements of water contamination in oil, or in measurements where the permittivity is under-going small changes, this error is significant and leads to large errors in the measured permittivity if not corrected for. This research then applies the developed theory towards confirmation via experimentation and finally provides a solution for the removal of this error from the measurement.

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