A Turkish CTX-M-15-producing isolate as a member of the clone ST1

A Turkish CTX-M-15-producing isolate as a member of the clone ST131 was suggested by a high similarity of its PFGE profile to that of the clone representative and was confirmed by O serotyping, AmpC typing and MLST.\n\nConclusions: This study describes the community emergence of CTX-M-15-producing E. coli isolates, including an isolate of clone O25-ST131, in Turkey.”
“Background: selleck There are well-established socio-economic differences in the prevalence of smoking in the UK, but

conventional socio-economic measures may not capture the range and degree of these associations. We have used a commercial geodemographic profiling system, Mosaic, to explore associations with smoking prevalence in a large primary care dataset and to establish whether this tool provides new insights into socio-economic determinants of smoking.\n\nMethods: We analysed anonymised data on over 2 million patients from The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database, linked via patients’ postcodes to Mosaic classifications

Autophagy phosphorylation (11 groups and 61 types) and quintiles of Townsend Index of Multiple Deprivation. Patients’ current smoking status was identified using Read Codes, and logistic regression was used to explore the associations between the available measures of socioeconomic status and smoking prevalence.\n\nResults: As anticipated, smoking prevalence increased with increasing deprivation according to the Townsend Index (age and sex adjusted OR for highest vs lowest quintile 2.96, 95% CI 2.92-2.99). There were more marked differences in prevalence across Mosaic groups (OR for group G vs group A 4.41, 95% CI 4.33-4.49). Across the 61 Mosaic types, smoking prevalence varied from 8.6% to 42.7%. Mosaic types

with high smoking prevalence were characterised by relative deprivation, but also more specifically by single-parent households living in public rented accommodation in areas with little community support, having no access to a car, few qualifications and high TV SBI-0206965 Autophagy inhibitor viewing behaviour.\n\nConclusion: Conventional socio-economic measures may underplay social disparities in smoking prevalence. Newer classification systems, such as Mosaic, encompass a wider range of demographic, lifestyle and behaviour data, and are valuable in identifying characteristics of groups of heavy smokers which might be used to tailor cessation interventions.”
“Microporous poly(tri(4-ethynylphenyl)amine) networks were synthesized by palladium-catalyzed Sonogashira-Hagihara cross-coupling chemistry with apparent Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET) specific surface areas in the range 500-1100 m(2)/g. It was found that very fine synthetic control over physical properties such as BET surface area, Langmuir surface area, micropore surface area, micropore volume, and bulk density could be achieved by varying the average monomer strut length.

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