A polymer film, such as that described in the present work, isola

A polymer film, such as that described in the present work, isolates a part of the culture medium together with

microorganisms and oil. When formed by mixed cultures, this kind of structuring results in the formation of granules containing different, but metabolically related microorganisms, potential growth substrates contained PF-562271 solubility dmso in the oil and a pool of enzymes that is produced by the entire community to carry out the degradation of oil molecules as they are stripped out of the hydrophobic interface by surfactants. These results have important practical applications, and might be used to increase the stability and viability of microbial associates in biopreparations aimed at the destruction of hydrophobic substrates. For example, it may be possible to artificially construct biopreparations

of microbial consortia that include specific microorganisms that construct particularly efficient trophosomes. Studies on interactions between degrader organisms may also consider the compatibility of various degrader organisms with the exopolymers contained in these trophic structures that differentially affect bioavailability to different species. Still another consideration is the effect of dispersants, commonly used in remediation, on the production of trophosomes. In future work, it may be interesting to evaluate the extent to which the rate of oil degradation is influenced not only by the types of enzymes and surfactants that are produced by microorganisms but also by differences in the ability of cells to produce these trophic structures or CX-5461 nmr to coexist with bacteria and yeasts that perform this function. Often, the rate of degradation by mixtures of bacteria is improved over that obtained by pure cultures of single species. Possibly, this may reflect such interactions, involving the creation of microhabitats comprised of mixtures of exopolymers, with different species contributing to the overall features of community-level trophic structures. For example, in a study examining the mechanical properties

of the oil–film interface (Kang et al., 2008), it was shown that the bacteria Acinetobacter venetianus RAG-1 and Rhodococcus erythropolis 20S-E1-c Methocarbamol produced substances that created very different surface properties of the oil–water interface: one was soapy and the other was more firm or papery. A comparative analysis of the trophosome habitat generated by different combinations of microorganisms could be a logical follow-up to the research conducted here. We acknowledge support from the US Department of Energy (GIPP) through ISTC project #4033 and a grant from the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research (RFFI-08-04-01449-a). “
“In this study we investigated the potential prebiotic effect of natural (NS) and blanched (BS) almond skins, the latter being a byproduct of the almond-processing industry.

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