A band of the expected size, 622 bp, due to the presence of the g

A band of the expected size, 622 bp, due to the presence of the geneticin resistance cassette was observed in transformed yeast cells. (JPEG 163 KB) Additional File 4: cDNA and PF-6463922 price derived amino acid sequence of the S. schenckii HSP90 homologue isolated using yeast two-hybrid assay. The cDNA and derived amino acid sequence of the SSHSP90 identified in the yeast two-hybrid assay as interacting with SSCMK1 is shown. Non-coding regions are given in lower case letters, coding regions and amino acids are given in upper case letters. The HATPase

domain is shaded in yellow and the sequence isolated in the yeast two-hybrid assay is shaded in gray. Red letters mark the conserved MEEVD domain in the C terminal domain of HSP90, necessary for the interaction with tetratricopeptide repeat containing proteins. (PDF 29 KB) Additional File 5: Amino acid sequence alignment of SSHSP90 to other fungal HSP90 homologues. The predicted amino acid sequence of S. schenckii SSHSP90 and HSP90 homologues from other

MK-4827 solubility dmso fungi were aligned using M-Coffee. In the alignment, black shading with white letters indicates 100% identity, gray shading with white letters indicates 75-99% identity, gray shading with black letters indicates 50-74% identity. Important domains, the HATPase domain and theHSP 90 domain, are CB-5083 chemical structure highlighted in blue and red boxes, respectively. The C terminal domain is indicated with a blue line. (PDF 93 KB) References 1. Travassos LR, Lloyd KO: Sporothrix schenckii and related species of Ceratocystis. Microbiol Rev 1980,44(4):683–721.PubMed 2. Toledo MS, Levery SB, Straus AH, Takahashi HK: Dimorphic expression of cerebrosides in the mycopathogen Sporothrix schenckii. J Lipid Res 2000,41(5):797–806.PubMed 3. Gauthier G, Klein BS: Insights into Fungal Morphogenesis and Immune Evasion: Fungal conidia, Thalidomide when situated in mammalian lungs, may switch from mold to pathogenic yeasts or spore-forming spherules. Microbe Wash DC 2008,3(9):416–423.PubMed 4. Nemecek JC, Wuthrich M, Klein BS: Global control of dimorphism and virulence

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