Calibration plots were built up for alachlor and 2,6 DEA. The plots were specifiedwith equationsof y _262x 244foralachlorintherangeof 1_120 g/mL and y _ 216x 62 for 2,6 DEA in the range of 0. 1_80 g/mL. The linear relationships between the peak area and the spiked quantity were in good agreement with correlation coefficients of 0. 9995 and 0. 9996 for alachlor and 2,6 DEA, respectively. Detection limits were calculated by dividing 3 times the average background noise by the detection sensitivity, which were 72 and 14 ng/mL for alachlor and 2,6 DEA, respectively. The calibration plots of alachlor and 2,6 DEA established by the direct injection of standard solutions were specified with equations of y _ 92x _ 31 over a concentration range of 1_500 g/mL for alachlor and y _ 79x 89 over a con centration range of 0.
1_160 g/mL for 2,6 DEA. Precision was estimated by performing five enriched samplings of fortified sample solutions with concentrations used for calibrations, and the RSD was 5%. When samples p38 MAPK Signaling Pathway were fortified with 10 L/mL alachlor and 2,6 DEA and using a 40 cm hollow fiber under the perfusion flow rate of 0. 1 L/min, the enrichment factors were 403 for alachlor and 386 for 2,6 DEA after the proposed enriched sampling and HPLC UV analysis. The proposed method was examined by the analyses of alachlor and 2,6 DEA in the NA culture medium and compared with the chromatograms for those by only filtration with a 0. 45 m PVDF membrane filter. Figure 4 shows the chromato grams of 2,6 DEA and alachlor in NA culture medium via the PVDF filtration and the proposed method by using the fortified sample solution at pH 7.
It is obvious that the baseline of the chromatogram obtained from the proposed online HF LPME was free from interference of the components in culture media. 2,6 DEA was not identified in the NA culture medium after filtration with the 0. 45 m PVDF membrane filter. The response of the peak area PARP Inhibitors has been enhanced through the online HF LPME process, and recoveries of 98 and 95% were obtained for alachlor and 2,6 DEA, respectively. This reveals that enrichment occurred in the online HF LPME process. stolonifer in the PDB culture cell medium as described previously, and the chromatograms were compared with those by only filtration with a 0. 45 m PVDF membrane filter. Figure 5 shows the chromatograms of alachlor in PDB culture medium via PVDF.
filtration and the proposed method by using the fortified sample solution at pH 7. It is obvious that the baseline of the chromatogram obtained from the proposed online HF LPME was free PLK from the interference of the compo nents in culture media, and there is no 2,6 DEA peak in the chromatogram. However, 70% of alachlor was degraded in PDB culture medium after 96 h under the incubation conditions. This reveals that the degradation product 2,6 DEA was not in its free form. The response of the alachlor peak area was enhanced, and good enrichment was achieved through the online HF LPME process. In summary, this paper has investigated the potential of using online HF LPME for sample pretreatment and enrichment prior to the determination of alachlor and its metabolite 2,6 DEA in microbial culture media.
In the proposed method, a few micro liters of organic solvent was utilized to extract alachlor and 2, 6 DEA. An excellent enrichment factor could be achieved by the present method, and the enrichment factors could be adjusted by controlling the length of hollow fiber and the ow rate of perfusion depending on the requirement of detection sensitivity. The results reveal that the PP-121 present HF LPME coupled online to HPLC method could be an alternative to determine alachlor and its metabolite 2,6 DEA in microbial culture media with the advantages of easy operation, speed, enrichment potential, exibility, and less use of organic solvent. The problem which the pesticides polluted the water body has been widely concerned for a long time.
The main contaminated pathway of pesticide in water is that the residues in the soil go into the water body by the way of running water, leakage, washing out and so on. PARP In addition, industrial wastewater containing pesticide discharged into water body is also a pollution way. As a widely used pre emergence herbicide, acetanilide is accumulated in environment especially in water body due to their constant use and chemical stability, which will bring the potential risk to the aquatic ecosystems and the health of human being. It is reported that the acetanilide herbicide has been detected in the surface and ground water in many countries. Pretilachlor is widely used to control the annual weeds in rice fields. It is reported that pretilachlor is moderate toxicity, however it is extremely toxic to the aquatic organism, which may cause the long term adverse effects to the aquatic environment.