05), indicating substantial hepatoprotection by this procedure (Table (Table4).4). In the further course, postischemic elevated ALT levels in both groups returned to normal within 7 d of hepatectomy. Serum bilirubin levels were determined as a parameter of hepatocellular function, but did not show notably different Ponatinib IC50 values at any time during the postoperative course (days 1-7, Table Table44). Table 4 Outcome data of patients undergoing liver resection with PM (A) or with IP + PM (B) Intraoperative parameters and postoperative course Blood loss as well as the need for autologous transfusion were significantly lower in the IP-treated group with 17% of patients receiving blood transfusion vs 48% in the control group (P < 0.05, Table Table4).4).
The postoperative course was uneventful in 24/30 (80%) patients in group B but only in 17/31 (53%) patients in group A (P < 0.05). Liver dysfunction, as previously defined, occurred in 2 patients of group A, but only in one patient of the IP-treated group (Table (Table4).4). Biliary leakage ceased spontaneously in 4 of the 6 patients (67%) of controls, but the other two patients required re-operation and bilioenteric anastomosis. In the study group, 2 patients had transient bile secretion and one patient of this group needed re-operation (bilioenteric anastomosis) (Table (Table44). Blood supply to the liver and hepatocellular injury With regard to earlier work, demonstrating a strong correlation between microcirculatory failure and postischemic enzyme release[22,26], it was of particular interest to determine whether there were changes in macrohemodynamic parameters, i.
e. the PM and IP may have an impact on parenchymal cell damage. Firstly, we analyzed the correlation between PV flow and ALT levels on day 1. Interestingly, by applying the Pearson Product Moment Correlation we did not find a significant association between the amount of the hepatocellular injury and quality of PV perfusion, either in controls (r = -0.38, P = 0.3) or in IP-treated patients (r = -0.41, P = 0.2). In contrast, when the HA flow of patients with PM (controls) and the corresponding ALT values on day 1 were analyzed, we found a weak, but significant inverse correlation, indicating a substantial influence of the macrocirculation at reperfusion on postischemic liver injury (r = -0.62, P = 0.042, Figure Figure2A).2A).
This correlation was even more evident, when patients underwent IP prior to PM as shown in Figure Figure2B2B (r = -0.73, P = 0.024), suggesting the HA perfusion was more susceptible to the procedure of IP in warm liver I/R. Figure 2 The Pearson product moment correlation between Cilengitide HA flow and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels. On day 1, there is an inverse correlation (P < 0.05) in the control group (A) undergoing PM (r = -0.62). In patients undergoing IP prior to PM (B), …