1: Molecular weight markers, 2: Free Clr (load), 3 : Flowthrough, 4-10: column wash, 11: eluted fraction by either 30 mM 3′, 5′cAMP (B) or 30 mM 2′, 3′cAMP (C). Clr is a predicted transcriptional activator of the Crp family [3]. Inspection of the smc02178 promoter region pointed to a Savolitinib short palindromic sequence (TGTTCCGCGGGAAACA) centered ca. 68 bp upstream of the predicted start codon
that was a potential binding site for Clr. Accordingly, deletion of this motif abolished activation of the smc02178 promoter by clr in the presence of exogenously provided 3′, 5′cAMP (Figure 5A). In order to directly assess whether this motif was a binding site for the Clr protein, we tested the ability of purified Clr-GST to bind DNA oligomers (28-mers) bracketing the putative Clr-binding motif (Figure 5B) or a mutated version (Figure 5C). We found that Clr induced a retard in oligomer migration that was strictly Selleck Wortmannin dependent on the presence of 3′, 5′cAMP, of an intact Clr-box and was Clr concentration-dependent. However, no clear shifted band was observed, irrespectively of the binding and gel electrophoresis conditions tested, which probably reflected dissociation of the Clr/cAMP/DNA complex. Nevertheless we interpreted
this as evidence that Clr bound the predicted Clr-box in a 3′, 5′cAMP-dependent manner. 2′, 3′cAMP was unable to promote Clr binding to the Clr-box, at the same concentration as 3′, 5′cAMP. Mixed incubation of 6-phosphogluconolactonase the two nucleotides (1/1) with Clr in vitro showed no detectable effect of 2′, 3′cAMP on DNA-binding by Clr (Figure 6A, B). Figure 5 3′, 5′cAMP promotes Clr binding selleck to the Clr-box at the smc02178 promoter. (A) smc02178-lacZ expression was monitored ex planta in S. meliloti 1021 WT and a Clr-box deleted strain (TGΔCA) after addition of 3′, 5′cAMP. (B, C) EMSA assays showing Clr-GST binding to 28-mers oligomers carrying the WT Clr-box (B) or a mutated version (C) (see Additional file 10). Assays were performed in the presence of 1.75 nM oligomers, 200 μM 3′, 5′cAMP, and varied
amounts of Clr (35 μM, 17.5 μM, 8.75 μM, 3.5 μM and 1.75 μM). See methods for details. Figure 6 2′, 3′cAMP effect on Clr-DNA binding and smc02178 expression. (A, B) EMSA assays showing Clr binding to 28-mers oligomers including the wt Clr-box (A) or a mutated version (B), as in Figure 5. Assays were performed in the presence of 1.75 nM oligomers, 200 μM 3′, 5′cAMP and/or 200 μM 2′, 3′cAMP, and 69 μM Clr (for details, see methods). (C) smc02178-lacZ expression was monitored ex planta in S. meliloti 1021 WT and a ΔSpdA strain after addition of M. sativa shoots extract (MS) and/or 7.5 mM 2′, 3′cAMP. *p < 0.03 compared to the wild type. We tested the impact of exogenously provided 2′, 3′cAMP on smc02178 expression in vivo under different experimental conditions. Exogenous 2′, 3′cAMP alone was unable to promote activation of the smc02178-lacZ reporter fusion in vivo, even at high (7.