0)[26] grade 2 from previous anti-cancer therapy Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), or alkaline phosphatase (ALP) >5× Upper Limit of Normal (ULN), serum
bilirubin >1.5× ULN or serum creatinine >185 µmol/L Leukocytes <4.0 10 9/l and/or platelet count <150 10 9/l Significant cardiac event (e.g. myocardial SC79 ic50 infarction, superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome, New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification of heart disease ≥2 within 3 months before entry, or presence of cardiac disease that, in the opinion of the investigator, increases the risk of ventricular arrhythmia Pregnancy or breast feeding Comorbidity with a grave prognosis (estimated survival <3 months) and/or worse than the basic disease for which the patients will be included in the study Abnormalities of the bile ducts (such as stents) with an increased chance of infection Diseases with an increased chance of liver toxicity, such as primary biliary cirrhosis or xeroderma pigmentosum Patients who are declared
incompetent or have a psychiatric SBI-0206965 cost disorder that makes a comprehensive judgement impossible, such as psychosis, hallucinations and/or depression Previous enrolment in the present study or previous treatment with radioembolization Treatment with an investigational BTSA1 agent within 42 days prior to enrolment Female patients who are not using an acceptable method of contraception or are less than 1 year postmenopausal or surgically sterile during their participation in this study (from the time the consent form is signed) to prevent pregnancy Male patients who are not surgically sterile or do not use an acceptable
method of contraception during their participation in this study to prevent pregnancy in a partner Evidence of portal hypertension, splenomegaly or ascites Body weight >150 kg Active hepatitis (B and/or Palbociclib nmr C) Liver weight >3 kg (determined by software using CT data) Allergy for intravenous contrast agent used (Visipaque ®) General MRI contra-indications (severe claustrophobia, metal implants, implanted pacemaker and/or neurostimulators) Patients who have arterial variations that will not allow whole liver treatment by a single administration via the hepatic artery Acknowledgements The authors thank Ms. Tjitske Bosma (clinical research coordinator, University Medical Center Utrecht) for her contribution to the study design and coordination, and Mr. Remmert de Roos for his assistance in the preparation of the microspheres. This study was financially supported by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding), under grant UU2009-4346. References 1. Choti MA, Bulkley GB: Management of hepatic metastases. Liver Transpl Surg 1999, 5:65–80.PubMedCrossRef 2. Russell AH, Tong D, Dawson LE, Wisbeck W: Adenocarcinoma of the proximal colon. Sites of initial dissemination and patterns of recurrence following surgery alone.