By real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), the PTEN gene ex

By real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), the PTEN gene expression in the tumor was lower than in the five non-neoplastic brain tissues used as control.

Mutation analysis did not show any variation in INI-1 and PTEN sequence while P53 analysis showed the presence of homozygote P72R variation. Fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis showed polysomy of chromosome 2 while amplification of N-MYC was not detected. Owing to the rarity of embryonal tumor with abundant neuropil and true rosettes, each new case should be recorded to produce a better clinical, pathological and molecular BMS-354825 characterization of this lesion. “
“Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is a hereditary tumor syndrome. The hallmark of NF2 is bilateral vestibular schwannoma. In addition, glioma is one of the diagnostic criteria of NF2. In this retrospective study the clinical presentation and histopathological features of 12 spinal gliomas from NF2 patients were assessed. Ten tumors were previously diagnosed as ependymomas and two as astrocytomas. However, upon re-evaluation selleckchem both astrocytomas expressed epithelial membrane antigen in a dot-like fashion and in one case it was possible to perform electron microscopy revealing junctional complexes and cilia typical for ependymoma. The findings suggest that NF2-associated spinal gliomas are ependymomas. Based on the fact that NF2-associated gliomas are

almost Dapagliflozin exclusively spinal and that no NF2 mutations have been found in sporadic cerebral gliomas, we suggest that “glioma” in the current diagnostic criteria for NF2 should be specified as “spinal ependymoma”. “
“Rhabdoid meningioma is an uncommon meningioma variant categorized as WHO grade III. The majority of cases occur in adulthood. Herein, we describe a right fronto-temporal rhabdoid meningioma affecting a 3-year-old boy. The lesion measured approximately

4 cm in diameter and incorporated the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery. Sub-total surgical excision of the mass was performed. Histologically, the tumor was mainly composed of globoid plump cells with inclusion-like eosinophilic cytoplasm, peripheral nuclei, prominent nucleoli and occasional intra-nuclear cytoplasmic pseudo-inclusion. The cells appeared in many areas loosely arranged and focally disclosed a papillary architecture. At immunohistochemistry, the tumor cells were EMA, vimentin, HHF35, PgR, INI-1 and p53 positive. The proliferative index (Mib-1) was 15% in the most positive areas. Ultrastructurally, tumoral cells showed an abundant cytoplasm, which was filled with numerous intermediate filaments. Desmosomal junctions were seen. RT-PCR revealed the presence of NF2 gene expression. Molecular study did not indicate alterations of the INI-1 gene, whereas it showed the presence of Pro72Arg in exon 4 at heterozygous state in the TP53 gene.

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