For these 604 patients, the estimated vCJD risk

For these 604 patients, the estimated vCJD risk Target Selective Inhibitor Library in vitro is ≥1% for 595, ≥50% for 164 and 100% for 51. This is additional to background UK population risk due to dietary exposure. Of 604 patients, 94 (16%) received implicated batches linked to donors who developed clinical

vCJD within 6 months of their donations. One hundred and fifty-one (25%) had received their first dose when under 10 years of age. By 1st January 2009, none of these patients had developed clinical vCJD. The absence of clinical vCJD cases in this cohort to date suggests that either plasma fraction infectivity estimates are overly precautionary, or the incubation period is longer for this cohort than for implicated cellular blood product recipients. Further follow-up of this cohort is needed. “
“This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Products of local and blood bank production Products of large-scale plasma fractionation Issues related to hemophilia concentrates from recombinant technology Conclusion References

“Summary.  To construct a cost-minimization model comparing activated prothrombin complex concentrates (APCC) vs. recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) in haemophilia patients with inhibitors from a US third party payer Nutlin-3 in vivo perspective. A literature-based decision model was used to model inhibitor treatment costs and outcomes. As existing clinical trials fail to demonstrate differences in the relative efficacy or safety of APCC vs. rFVIIa, we assumed the same efficacy for both products in the base-case. Regimens of APCC (75 IU kg−1 × 2 doses) and rFVIIa (90 μg kg−1 × 3 doses) were assumed according to manufacturer recommendations. If the first-line treatment failed, patients chose to continue the current treatment or switch the to another drug. All costs were adjusted to 2009 US dollars. Sensitivity analyses on the infusion frequency, efficacy, unit price, switch rate, re-bleed rate and body weight were performed to assess model robustness. In the base-case, the total medical cost to treat a bleed with APCC or rFVIIa as first-line medication was US$25 969 and US$35 838,

respectively. One-way sensitivity analyses showed that results were insensitive to the efficacy of rFVIIa, unit price of APCC or rFVIIa, switch rate, re-bleed rate or body weight. The rFVIIa will reach cost neutrality when the efficacy of APCC is as low as 60%, or rFVIIa is infused only twice for each line, or APCC is infused three times for each line. Two-way sensitivity analyses showed that results were quite sensitive to the assumed infusion frequency for both products. First-line APCC compared with rFVIIa can be a cost-saving alternative for home treatment of mild-to-moderate bleeds in haemophilia patients with inhibitors. “
“An elevated body mass index (BMI) may make venipuncture more difficult, potentially impacting the use of home infusion (HI) and self-infusion (SI).

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