1.06 1.43, p0.008 and PaO2/FiO2 ratio ratio on the second day (OR 1.02, 95% CI: 1.00 .. 1.04, p0.01 CONCLUSION The oxygenation The second day was a Good Press predictor of mortality t, when it was compared with other variables of interest. We believe that OI in the monitoring of the respiratory GDC-0449 879085-55-9 tract of ALI / ARDS patients who were able to MV are taken to the intensive care unit adults. Clinical characteristics of patients tracheotomy in 0646 surgically ˆ A GENERAL ICU Oliveira1 RP, PP De Leon1, AF Meregalli1, MP Hetzel1, MA Silva1, R. Susin1, C. Teixeira1, G. Friedman2 1ICU, Complexo Hospitalar Santa Casa, 2ICU, Universidade Federal Da Co. ncias sow ´ de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil INTRODUCTION. tracheotomy is h performed frequently in critically ill patients ben.
About 10% of critically ill patients, mechanical ventilation a tracheotomy term. However, there are several unanswered questions about this process, including normal, who and specify when, or what is the result of tracheostomized patients. The aim of this study was to PF-04217903 956905-27-4 describe the indications, the timing of tracheotomy and patient outcome in a tracheostomized … General ICU METHODS prospective observational cohort study all consecutive patients submitted to tracheostomy in the general adult intensive care unit Universit t were included for each patient the following information is collected: .. Due to the ad demographics, admission diagnosis, APACHE II score, time and timing of tracheostomy after tracheotomy were the subjects in the early group (\ 10 days or a group or [to sp t (10 days classified variables.
were brought into frequencies and means for expression. students, St-test was used to compare means and p \ 0.05 was as significant. RESULTS. A total of 139 patients (73 M men were included, is the average age was 6316 years and the APACHE II score at admission 20.79.5 patients in clinical trials, have been classified (N98, 70.5%, neurological ( n32, 23%, surgery (N8, 5.7%, and trauma (n 1, 0.7%. tracheostomy was indicated especially of the respiratory tract (N74, 53.2%, Dev hnung failure, ridiculed ngerte respiratory and neurological disorders ( N65, 46, 7% ish mix and h hemorrhagic stroke reasons. There was no difference between the respiratory and neurological indications for age (years 6314 vs. 6318 years, APACHE II score (2112 vs 206 and mortality tsraten in ' h Pital (41.
8% vs. 41.5%. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS was lower in neurological patients (7.73.0 vs 11.53.5, p \ 0.001. There were no significant differences between the end (n112, 81 % and initial (n27, 19% for the age groups (6315 vs. 6519 years years, APACHE II score (2110 vs 187, p0.084, GCS (9.93.7 vs 8.83.9, p0.173 rates or leave the h capital (57.5% vs. 61.5%, p0.878. CONCLUSION independence. ngig of the temporal and / or information, has the same tracheotomy mortality morbidity t. REFERENCE (S. 1 Frutos Vivar F, Esteban A requiring et al. outcome of mechanically ventilated patients requiring tracheostomy. Crit Care Me ´ of 2005, 33:290 298th second Combes A, et al Is. tracheostomy with better results for patients who are connected with mechanical ventilation in the long run Crit Care Med 2007, 807, 35:802.
IS 0647 Evidence Based Medicine in INTENSIVE CARE AN INVESTIGATION J. Yassin, W. Khaliq left hand, W. Boyd, Department of Critical Care, Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton, Gro Britain INTRODUCTION. intensivists to VER published data on interventions that are suitable for their patients choose to w. was taken that evidence into guidelines and beams that can save themselves from local to international levels. Examples are the Surviving Sepsis Campaign [1], and the life campaign. [2] The use of this evidence, the use of the protocols should ensure that effective Ma took are consistently applied to all eligible patients between different ICUs, and that clinicians should assume that they w are select therapies beneficial .
We did what the hospital g physicians investigate ngigen interventions, and what were pro us by clinicians to be even an advantage of them. METHODS asked. We, the delegates at an international conference. We asked all participants to a questionnaire with 24 hours Frequently used abzuschlie s, and many differ published interventions, and we thought, she asked whether the intervention was effective in reducing mortality t-patient stay in intensive care, and if they used that particular intervention. RESULTS. of 214 participants, we took the 80 responses intensivists. There was a wide range of H FREQUENCY of the use of particular interventions, 87% to 12% of the 24 interventions. The intervention was the most hours ufigsten used low-heparin Molecular thrombosis prophylaxis (87% . Another prophylaxis, stress ulcer, if any, was used by 70%. We have also doctors who believed in a positive intervention and those who use compared to it. Of the 24 interventions have lost 20 gone us to be ineffective and yet were h used frequently. 3 interventions were effective in reducing mortality, but were not h used frequently. C