“It was once thought possible that the brain clock, locate

“It was once thought possible that the brain clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus, could be understood as a homogeneous population of cells that produced a synchronous daily oscillatory signal. Instead, it is now clear that SCN subregions exhibit orderly phase dispersal. The mechanisms enforcing regional phase differences, however, are not well understood. Hong et al. (in press) propose that calcium contributes to synchronization

through two mechanisms Selleckchem PLX4032 acting over different time scales and distances. Using all possible oscillating cell pairs as data points, the plot of temporal phase difference against pair separation ERK inhibitor chemical structure distance suggests the coexistence of two modes of signaling: progressively propagating waves of a diffusing signal in adjacent cells, and phase-synchronizing neural networks acting at long range. In the first, a sharp wedge-shaped boundary in the region of small pair separation distances was inferred to represent a calcium wave sweeping through the SCN. The slope of this boundary represents the travel

velocity of the wave, which, by itself, was calculated to be too slow to pass through the SCN in 24 h. A second mode of signaling was indicated by the finding that some cell pairs showed large spatial separations but nevertheless had small phase differences. For these cell pairs, the Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer signal was sufficiently bright to illuminate for cell processes, revealing that anatomically joined cells oscillated in phase. How does the fast, long-distance mechanism work? Ca2+(and/or other diffusing ions or molecules) could flow from one cell to another through gap junctions (Long et al., 2005), in addition to modulating the rate of neurotransmitter release. The slow Ca2+wave presumably indicates time-dependent release from Ca2+stores,

with the usual long list of Ca2+-dependent metabotropic pathways, including gene activation, coming into play. The data of Long et al. (2005) are consistent with substantial evidence highlighting the importance of calcium and cAMP production acting through cAMP-dependent transcription factors upon which clock gene expression and SCN synchronization depend (O’Neill & Reddy, 2012). In the shell region of the SCN, there is an orderly daily sequence of high-amplitude oscillations, which begins in the dorsomedial region and encompasses serial activation of specific SCN subregions, followed by a silent interval (Yamaguchi et al., 2003; Foley et al., 2011). RGS16, a modulator of G protein signaling, which inactivates a negative regulator of cAMP production, is first expressed in the dorsomedial region (Doi et al., 2011).

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