The following two types
of abstracts are presented: • Research abstracts include a brief description of the author’s original research methodology, including design, subject characteristics and procedures, major findings, and conclusions or implications for dietetics practice. Qualifying abstract submissions in all Learning Need Codes are encouraged and will be peer reviewed for poster presentation at the 2012 FNCE. Poster Presentations offer content using charts, graphs, illustrations, and/or photographs. Posters allow for informal, one-on-one or small-group discussions with the presenter about the issue, problem, project or research addressed in the poster. The poster area will consist of one 4-ft. high check details × 8-ft. wide cork-surface bulletin board to mount presentation information, and one 2-ft. × 6-ft. material table, provided by ADA; however, ADA may choose to adopt an electronic poster medium which would require 10-12 PowerPoint slides instead of the BMN 673 concentration traditional hard copy poster. Research & Practice
Innovations (RPI—formerly called Original Contributions) are 10-minute oral presentations grouped by similar topic in 90-minute educational sessions. Each session will include up to seven abstract presenters. Only one author for each accepted RPI is allowed to present. ADA’s Research Committee and the FNCE Program Planning Advisory Committee have chosen six categories for oral RPI presentations at the 2012 FNCE. RPI sessions may include both research and program/project abstracts. The topics were selected based on their compatibility with ADA’s Strategic Plan and topics the of interest in the ADA House of Delegates dialogue sessions. Due to limits on session times and space, not all abstracts submitted as an RPI, which are accepted by the peer-review process, will be designated as
an RPI. Some will be selected as poster presentations. The 2012 topics for RPI consideration include: (1) Strategies for Lifestyle Changes: ADA seeks data and results showing effectiveness of behaviorally-based strategies, messages, and/or communication strategies targeted to lifestyle changes aimed at health promotion or management of any disease. This may include data and results from program evaluations related to, but not limited to, weight management interventions. The research may include epidemiological research looking at nutrition and chronic diseases across the life span as well as identification of characteristics of the strategies, messages, and communication strategies tailored to individuals, cultures and age categories. All accepted Poster and RPI presenters are: • Required to attend FNCE and be present throughout the assigned session. ADA maintains full control over the planning, content, and implementation of all programs presented during FNCE, including the selection of speakers, moderators, and faculty.