ification was devised to give an indication of the influence now that a given treatment or group of treat ments had on the expression levels of a particular gene. Six basic patterns of expression could be generated on the basis of the above definitions, 1 induced expression in only one treatment, 2 induced expression in two treatments and 3 induced expression in three treatments. A total of 50 different patterns of expression were produced when all four stress treatments analyzed in this study were accom modated into the above basic patterns. Results and Discussion Roche GS FLX and GS FLXTM sequencing and assembly Six sequencing runs yielded 910 Mb total data size equivalent to 2,913,966 raw reads. The raw sequence files are available from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive at Traces sra sra.
cgi study SRP006173, as files SRR172675, SRR172676 and SRR183482, SRR172677, SRR172678 and SRR183483, SRR172679 and SRR172680. Length frequency distribution of raw reads clustered around the 200 to 300 bp and 300 to 400 bp range Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries as Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the result of using two different platforms for sequencing. A total of 2,700,168 reads entered into the assembly process which yielded 21,207 high qual ity assembled sequences. These ranged in length from 80 to 3,379 Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries bp and had an average sequence length of 1,014 bp and 930 bp. A total of 178,636 reads remained as singletons, of these, only 5,113 clean sequences remained after quality control. Isotigs were further incor porated into 15,667 isogroups. A status summary of the sequencing, assembly and annotation process is presented in Table 1. Annotation of A.
hypochondriacus contigs isotigs All contigs isotigs were queried against the nr, TAIR, UniRef100, UniRef50 and Amaranthaceae ESTs and PFAM databases for annotation. Approximately 82% of all entries produced significant hits when queried against the nr database. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries The 3,901 sequences with no significant hit versus the nr database were queried against the PFAM protein domain database in order to determine their putative function. Only a small fraction of these sequences produced signifi cant hits to known protein domains. These results are available in Additional file 1. Annota tion of the 5,113 clean singletons against the TAIR data base yielded approximately 1,000 significant hits. The best hit for each unigene queried against the TAIR database was utilized to assign functional GO annotation in terms of biological process, molecular function and cellular component groups.
The results are summarized in Figure 2. As expected, the lar gest percentage in each GO group was conformed by contigs isotigs with an unknown func tional annotation. No obvious differences in the number of sequences assigned to each category, including response to biotic stress, were observed between grain amaranth and Arabidopsis thaliana. This was probably a reflection of Arabidopsis Cilengitide known capacity respond strongly to abiotic and biotic stresses at selleck kinase inhibitor the transcriptional level. This outcome also argues against the poss